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SVS Warehouse & Office Construction

Construction of new 14,550sq ft office and Warehouse for Specialist Valve Services Limited

Burns Construction was awarded the contract by SVS to build new facilities, including office and warehouse spaces, as well as an advanced area for state-of-the-art test and repair equipment.

The works involved the construction of a composite clad, steel portal frame building, along with the associated concrete slab, external works, and utilities. A single-storey office block was also created with blockwork and metal stud partitions to house SVS’s staff. To the external façade, aluminium glazing was installed, and roller shutter doors and aluminium doors provided access.

The new space allowed the client to increase the capacity on their test benches and allowed considerable space for stockholding which was proving an issue before.

Sector: Commercial new build

Client: Specialist Valve Services Ltd

Project: 14,550sq ft Office and Warehouse

Location: Westhill, Aberdeen

Project Images